Benevolence Ministry

• What is the Benevolence Ministry?

The Benevolence Ministry is a ministry designed to help needy or hurting people in the congregation and community. It has been modeled after Acts 6:1-6, when the Apostles appointed seven men from the congregation to minister to those who had needs. This freed up the Apostles to focus on prayer and the ministry of the word.

• How does it work?

People who want to help others and give to this ministry may designate a portion of their offering to the Benevolence Ministry on their offering envelopes. (Do not designate your tithe to this ministry. This is for gifts over and above the tithe.) These funds are put in a special account – along with a small percentage of the general offerings – to use only for helping the poor and/or needy, .

The men of the Benevolence Ministry will determine how these funds would best be spent. When a need arises, they will be notified, and they will do their best to help.

• Who can be helped?

Anyone with a legitimate financial need can benefit from our Benevolence Ministry. They should, however, be willing to accept financial councelling (if needed) and be willing to help others when they get back on their feet.

• What if I know someone with a need?

Approach any one of the seven men in the Benevolence Ministry, and they will investigate as to whether or not our church can help. It is our goal in this ministry to show the love of Christ to as many people as we can.

Last Updated February 18, 2007

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Faith Bible Baptist Church - 8688 S Main St - Eden NY 14057 - 716-992-2091